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Ed, the friend who isn't really a friend at all

Gathered around the table for Christmas dinner, the Robb family sat with smiles on their faces as they filled their plates with copious amounts of food, passing around dish after dish. Ed sat quietly next to Allison, so quiet that he seemed to have went unnoticed by the rest of the family. As the mashed potatoes with gravy were passed along to Allison, he was there with a gentle nudge on her shoulder and a silent whisper in her ear reminding her to forgo the unnecessary carbs.

“Not even today? It’s a holiday,” fought Allison.

“No days off,” demanded Ed.

Ed won that battle, and then won again when it was time for dessert.

“Come on Allison, one cookie won’t kill you,” badgered her sister.

“I’m ok,” responded Allison, as Ed clenched her side serving as a reminder that dessert wasn’t an option.

Right about now, you’re probably wondering who this controlling man named Ed is. Right? Well, that’s why I’m here. I am here to tell you all about him given my personal experiences with him.

Let me start by saying Ed is quite a peculiar human. He is a gracious smile across the dinner table, a friendly pat on your back when you’re feeling down, your best friend at the gym, and the guy who is holding back your hair while you throw up. Ed is the type of friend you think you want in your life.

I know that must seem confusing because of the situation above, but that is just it. Ed is cunning. When everything feels like it’s out of your control Ed is there to help bring everything back into your grasp. He’s the type of guy that you think holds everything in your best interest, but is secretly working against you. Ed is the friend you think you want in your life when in reality he tears apart families and friendships. In reality he is a murderer. A slow and mysterious murderer that has taken more lives than any other known serial killer.

Ed’s favorite thing to do is prey on those that are weak. He doesn’t discriminate. He’ll go for adolescent girls or boys, young women and men, even adults, it doesn’t matter to him. When they’re feeling bad about their lives and themselves he gives them a shoulder to cry on and offer advice. He’ll gain their trust, and then eventually takes over their lives.

As soon as you let a man like Ed into you’re life, he’s like a drug. Unbelievably irresistible, yet utterly toxic. Hard to get rid of, Ed’s never really forgotten about. Sometimes he’ll stay in people’s lives for a few years, other times he will be there for multiple, and in some cases he’s there for someone’s entire life.

Four years ago, Ed was Allison’s best friend. Ed was the only person Allison thought she could count on.

Now, Ed is Allison’s worst nightmare. Ed is the reason Allison hates family gatherings. Ed is the reason Allison hates every meal. Ed is an eating disorder.

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